My Tribe

And again, one day the hurt is no more.  I am free once again to be me.  To have the total joy of who I am without any hurt or hardship.  
I discovered, I do not need a partner, I do not need anything, but myself, my boys my friends.  And life is much less complicated. 

My social network is so strong with love and care, I was able to regroup and turn in to those who truly matter.  The ones who stood by my side every step of the way.  They listened and gave me the best advice always!  They walked on my journey and loved me even when I drove them a little (or a lot) nuts. 

You know who you are!! 
Thank You!! 
Love is Blind!  
Friends are Forever! 

And I cherish every single moment you were there, to listen and hear me. You saw my smiles when things were good and my sadness when things were not. 

You protected me every step of the way, even if I didn't take your advice, you cut me some slack without judgement.

You knew how I felt.  
You hoped I'd be saved from my hurt, 
saved from my hearts misfortune.

It was a tangled web, I needed to untangle alone, yet you were there just in case I fell.
And we laughed over the hypocrisy, and we eye rolled at the ridiculous and even in my most obsessive moments, you gave me space to let it all unfold, like a midday soap opera, never changing the channel. 

You witnessed my dilemma from beginning to end and you smile with me now, knowing I am finally free of yet another suicidal emotional roller coaster of uncertainty.  

I hope you enjoyed my saga journey.  
It is Time to lighten things up! 

Stay Tuned next week for: 
The Sex After Divorce 


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