Dicks 4 Days
I have been wanting to write this blog post for quite a while, but wanted to make sure I did it well.
The topic of "Dic Pics" comes up often in the dating world. It's a real phenomenon, it happens with so much frequency, I felt this topic had to be addressed, but with the utmost integrity.
Let me begin by sharing a real life story. All my inspiration comes from actual true life events and allows this post to be layered with thought provoking wisdom.
Here is where it all began:
One of my single girlfriends and I were out at a local establishment for a Birthday party, many moons ago. We were chatting it up with the Birthday boy's friend and somehow the subject of his penis came up. (I can't make this stuff up) He and another guy were comparing notes in front of us. That's what single guys do in front of single girls apparently. Length and Girth were discussed, apparently girth makes up for length. (Take notes ladies)
Wait, it gets better......
He proceeds to tell us about the 10 photos he has on his phone of his very girthful manhood. Yes.....you read correctly, 10 photos of his own penis.
"Why ten?" we both asked inquisitively.
"Because they are ALL from different angles." He stated, matter of fact.
Oh of course. (pfft)
And once we witnessed the actual photos, we both realized it was the first time a guy showed us his dic pics in person. And, I suppose we hit a home run with an entire line up of ten.
My brain child was born in this moment.
What if I could make a dic pic collage?
The irony!
Most woman have seen one at a time, however, how many women can say they have seen an entire collage?
A collection makes for a worthy story.
How does one collect these photos?
You may ask.
I personally had only received two at this point in time of my life. One I no longer had (it was a very good one too). The other, well..... let me move on to the collection process.
A few important facts about dic pics:
1) Girls never ask for these photos.
They just magically pop up at the most unapprotine times, and you can bet we haven't ever met the dude in person.
They just magically pop up at the most unapprotine times, and you can bet we haven't ever met the dude in person.
2) The only time I have actually asked for a Dic Pic, is if I was involved with the guy and these really should not count. Dic pics from a guy you are already involved with are simply used as foreplay, most likely you are already having sex and you've seen his dic in person.
3) A true authentic "dic pic" is one a guy is sending to entice a girl to have sex with him. I'm talking about all the unsolicited pics. The ones we see, say "OMG" smile in disbelief and immediately share with any and all girlfriends who may be interested.
However, for purposes of this piece, I had to put a little effort into my collection.
However, for purposes of this piece, I had to put a little effort into my collection.
I posted a fake profile on Tinder, requesting pics in the bio with a phone number. I got a hit in 10min. I didn't even see the guys face. This method worked like a charm, but totally creeped me out. I shut the account down immediately. Point made - dics are easy to get. (Research is a bitch)
I then decided to talk to my single girlfriends and their single girlfriends about potential pics. One beautiful day at the beach, while working their contacts, I struck gold. The dic pics came flooding in and how creative they all were.
I had Dics 4 Days flying into my messenger.
Seriously. I did.
One guy would not take the hint to stop. I think he is having a love affair with his own dic.
Ask and you shall receive.
What I learned: If a guy has something worthy to snap a photo of, he is proud. You do not necessary need to see the photo, you only need to know that a photo exists. If a guy is small, I can guarantee, they are never going to offer up a dic pic. (I learned this the hard way) If a guy is all shy about his man parts, it is a blinking yellow light, proceed with caution, because no woman wants a guy who isn't willing to take a damn good dic pic.
Am I right ladies?
We mock and we laugh at the ridiculous photos, but men are smart. The prouder they are, the more likely they will be to please you in the bedroom. At least this is my theory. I have not actually proved it to be true. But, I'll be sure to share, when I prove my theory true.
I actually lost a prospective date due to this post. One too many cocktails and a first phone conversation, I shared a little too much on this topic. The guy disappeared, no date, no text, no call. I can only assume the guy had a very small penis.
I may have dodged a bullet.
Dic Pics can be very intimidating.
Below is the link for my collage. I bid caution. As much as I see it as a labor of love for my art of writing and research, many may con-screw it as pornographic.
You decide.
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