The Bar Scene - A Life Lesson
Downtown Daytona.
Take your pick.
The bar with the old people.
The young Urban Club Remix.
Dancing on the bar for shots.
Listening to heavy metal.
You have got it all!!
But, really, how much drinking, at 2am, can a girl truly do? I swore if I got hit on by one more old dude, I was going to turn my single straight card in for a girlfriend.
I honestly have not been out in Daytona or any other "night scene" for quite a while. Dinner and drinks has been more my speed lately. But, I did have a spurt of ....."I am single, let me get this party life out of my system."
The last time I was single and free was living in New York City, in my mid twenties. No kids, No boyfriend, and a huge span of places to go out. NYC always had something to do and it never got old.
Daytona Beach is another beast entirely. Especially during one of our insanely popular events. Bikeweek, especially, brings in all sorts of people and characters from all over the country. It's a blast to talk to vacationers who come here for the sole purpose of getting drunk.
They are friendly, in high spirits (literally) and are always eager to tell their story.
They are friendly, in high spirits (literally) and are always eager to tell their story.
Any other time in Daytona are the usual crowds at any of the namely bars. Same type of people, same scene, same music, pick any day and it is all very predictable.
I have a one or two girlfriends that have no fears and are quick to jump on the bar at Coyote Ugly for a few weak shots. The old guys lined up at the bar are mildly enthused, unless of course one of us is wearing a short skirt or shorts and boots. That always gets their bearded faces smiling, and their slit eyes may open a tad wider.
This weekend we decided to venture to Tampa for an all girls Birthday celebration and to see my cousin perform. Why not hit an totally different area of the state for a piece of some nightlife?
At the end of the day, its isn't really where we are, it is who we are with and how much we laughing.
How will the evening unfold, what stories will we come home with? What memories are we going to make?
That is the most important aspect of life. It's not where we are going, its not how we got to this place in time, it is who we are spending our time with, and how much we love those who are a present and part of our lives.
We may not be dancing on the bars all the time, but we certainly are dancing in life together.
One beautiful scene after the next.
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