Burning Bridges
People who know me, get me 100%, the authentic me. If someone does not like who I am, they absolutely need to take a different path. If you do not understand who I am as a person, you have no place in my life.
I own my choices and I make no apologies. My spirit is free for a reason.
However, if you judge those in my life, for unfair reasons, I will be offended. I will not stand by and see those I love hurt over petty nonsense. It gives me pause.
I have a problem with people who are untrustworthy, fake, manipulative, liars.
Shouldn't everyone?
I speak my truth. I won't lie to your face. I will tell you how I feel, even if you may not like it. I will do it with sincerity and care.
I am not cruel and I most definitely will give others the benefit of the doubt, more often than I should sometimes.
When a person questions my integrity, assumes the worse of my intentions and goes out of their way to deface my character, I believe it is for a purpose.
A Higher Purpose.
There is no right vs. wrong. No one person is above another.
Our lives are myriad shades of gray.
We all choose our paths in life. I do not know why some of us choose a path of negativity, judgement and hate, while others choose a path of light, understanding and happiness.
We all have our moments of reflection, but to fuel life with constant negativity is unhealthy and not rewarding. It will leave an empty void in our heart.
I rarely burn bridges in my life, but occasionally others choose to burn one for me. I write this on a day when someone choose to exit my life for good. She may not know it's for good, but her actions made it clear to, she will no longer have a place in my life or a space in my heart and I am at peace with this.
If our intentions are sincere, and come from a place of love, the Universe will provide.
If our words and actions are hateful and sour, the Universe will bring more of the same.
It's the law of attraction.
Be mindful of your thoughts, words and actions. Are they laced with goodness? If you are not happy, check yourself. Check your thoughts, check your words. Are you smiling most of your day, are you laughing or are you complaining, are you being spiteful?
What is your purpose?
Listen carefully.
Is your inner voice resonating?
Check your hearts desires.
Are your intentions pure?
Love should always be at the core of our thoughts. If someone is not serving your ultimate life goals, walk away silently, and surrender yourself.
The alternative is not worth the pain that will follow.
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