Take A Number! .....Wait, what is your name.

I have been trying to maintain a level of real time writing on my weekly posts, meaning what I write is relevant to my current week, based on something that has happened or something I was feeling.

This week something comical happened in my quest of gathering information from my young suitors.  A girl truly needs to keep better tabs on her male messaging friends.

Here is how it all began:

Young Guy #1: His name began with a T.  We met on Hinge (a dating app) weeks ago. He and I chatted about his research on relationships and why people are attracted to certain types of people, animal instincts and a woman's quest for the perfect mate to procreate with. (I can't make this stuff up.) This guy and I had intellectually stimulating chats, but nothing more.

Young Guy #2: In comes another T name, a couple of weeks later.  He and I met on Bumble. (different dating app) T2 was cute and nice and he was openly interested in getting to know me.  I wasn't really sure about him at first, but I kept the conversation relevant.

At some point, in my head, I thought T from Bumble was T from Hinge. Even though I added the word, "Bumble" to the appropriate contact.

The struggle is real with these young male names.

Here I am chatting with Bumble boy about open relationships thinking he was the one who did relationship and attraction research.  It ultimately forced a deeper level of communication which I doubt would have happened otherwise. 

I eventually figured out who I was talking to and told both T boys the story.  For me, it was more of a, "Wow, how do these connections progress and form so quickly without ever meeting the person?" It truly is amazing what you can learn from perfect strangers. 

I still talk to T from Bumble. He and I have a good messaging flow.  He lives in a different state so it is pretty easy to just let that continue without much pressure. We have shared a lot and support one another, yet we have never met.  Just a naturally synergy I suppose. 

The guy actually really has an interesting lifestyle.  He meets a lot of couples and has sex with the hot wives.  I'm amazed how this really is a thing.  Married women, my age, who are exceptionally hot, wanting younger men and their husbands are totally okay with it.

How is this okay??  

Although, I do understand the hot young men piece.

I like that T from Bumble has his fair share of hot women to choose from, yet he puts me in the same category as these women, which is kind of ridiculous.  I can assure you, these ladies are extremely sexy and apparently very hot in bed. I asked to see their photos.  I find it all amusing and fascinating to say the least.

T from Bumble jokes often how he wants to move up on my scale of numbers.  Because we all have a number one, two, three...etc...most desired is always on top. 

I explicitly expressed, a guy only gets a number after he has spent some time with me.

My number one, at the moment, is a sweet country boy from Florida. Something about him drives me a little nuts. (He knows it too) I think it's his pheromones.  I had the chance to truly get to know him and figure out that there's a genuine connection between us. 

There is just something about the way he sings country in the car, knows all the words, and is totally in the moment. His sexy, deep voice is strong with confidence.  It forced me stop and see him.

It was the simplicity of that moment that stayed with me.

I am always surprised how I manage to open myself up to certain people at the most inopportune times. 

I think he and I will always stay in touch whether it is to have some fun or check in on one another's lives.  Some souls are worth keeping around to be appreciated.

My other numbers shift and change, but we all know the only one that truly matters is the one in first place. 

It's fun to be free and independent and full of life to share with new people who come and go. 

Life is a constantly bringing us new experiences, people and opportunities to learn about ourselves and others. 

We must always embrace the now to fully understand the significance of each moment with whomever we choose to spend our time with. 


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