The "Why Not" Year.

I meet a girl a few months back.  I'll call her Valerie.  She is a friend of a friend who I was extremely happy to get to know, as she was also a divorcee. 

She was navigating her way as an independent woman, exploring life single and eperiencing all aspects of life.  She used a term, that she suggested I use for a blog title. 

She called her first year after divorce the 
"Why Not" Year. 

Anytime she gets an opportunity, regarding any aspect of life, she says, "Why Not?"

If could be an invite to the nude beach, an aspect of her sexuality that she has not yet explored, going out with people she doesn't know very well, an impromptu vacation, pretty much anything.

After she shared a few of her adventures, I realized I am also having my own "Why Not?" year. I have had many ridiculous and not so ridiculous adventures since new found freedom struck my life.

My blog is a perfect example of how I have experienced life to the fullest this past year and a half. 

Divorce certainly gives a new lease on life and it is how we perceive and define that freedom that matters most.

Of course, divorce shouldn't be the only reason to live a full and freeing life.  However, the mindset of being married, compared to not being married is so drastic, as if there is a mental reprogramming going on.  The reprogramming process is imperative to allowing the new state of mind to be healthy, positive and full of goodness.

If we are wallowing in self pity and sadness for too long, your next stage of life will be anything but fullfilling.  If you are focused on the ex, you'll never get over that last stage and you'll continually revert back to a place of discontent.

Opening your mind and heart to living freely, being invested in yourself, taking care of your most sensitive needs, through new experiences, friendships and life paths is an ideal way to move into a fresh new stage of living.

Use the words, "Why Not?" They will change your mind, change your ways and change your life forever.


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