The Yummy Game
When my friends and I go out. We get checked out. We may get drinks bought for us. We may get touched or hit up. We may look at the guy with one of those looks, that says:
"Really? Are you serious?"
Do you believe you are actually going to take me home?
Wait, did you ask me if I liked Hot Tubs?
"Um no, actually I don't."
Keep moving buddy.
I'm not your yummy piece tonight.
What is it about the dance men and women play with one another?
What is it about the game?
I'll call it, "The Yummy Game."
We want what we want, but we want it more when we can not have it.
Why is that?
The minute I forget all about a guy, here they come, out of the woodwork. Ready to ponce the minute they think they can't have you.
This isn't only a singles theme. It happens in relationships as well. It happens all the time.
The power struggle, the energy shift.
Who is more in love?
Who wants to be in charge.
Who will be in control?
Once one person has all the power they use it to their advantage. Sometimes it is detrimental to the other person's emotional well being. Once this happens, the balance of power may never shift back to a healthy space.
We play games, instead to protect ourselves, to selfpreserve, instead of simply caring for the person.
When did we stop caring?
We stopped listening to one another's needs. We don't hear them because we are wired to only take care of our own needs.
This is a vicious cycle that ends in disaster. If we cared simultaneously for our own needs and the other person's needs we would find a way to be better at the relationship or potential connection that may be right in front of us.
Stop and look at your person. The person you want to spend your time with. The woman or man you desire the most. Are you being truthful with them, paying attention to their needs? Or are you playing games? Are these games productive or counterproductive. Are you being sincere or selfish?
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