Becoming Fearless
I conquered a huge fear of mine last week.
Public speaking.
It wasn't perfect, but I'm well on my way to internally being the person, people perceive me to be.
I hear things like, "You don't speak publicly? I would have never guessed."
I talked about how I was a fearless little girl whose sparked dulled during adolescence and how I reclaimed my fearlessness after I lived through 911 in NYC, moved away from my family and ultimately got married and divorced.
Living through unsettling, scary experiences helps build resolve, increasing strength and courage.
Making a decision to join a public speaking club, with the soul purpose of conquering a fear, is a theme I can easily pull from my life.
I believe I take risks in many aspects of my life.
I take risks with friendships, with my writing, with men, with my heart and with how I choose to parent.
Currently, I have limited fears because I have overcome so much in such a short period of time.
What I have discovered is:
I am not BROKEN.
I have mastered how to use my intution. My gut. It never fails me and even if the outcome is not what I had perceived, I still move forward without fear that I made a wrong decision.
There is never a bad choice,
only an unlearned lesson.
I rarely worry about screwing up because I have already screwed up so many times and nothing bad has ever happened. Nothing I can not handle. I forgive myself, I learn from my choices and move on.
I continue to be a risk taker because I would not be where I am today otherwise.
Most importantly, I am at Peace.
And Happiness has been the reward.
The greatest risk is challenging ourselves.
Ask yourself:
Is there happiness?
I have friends who are going through difficult times. I listen and give strong, honest advice. The truth is not always received well, but the truth is the key to finding that happy, peaceful place within ourselves.
At the core of any problem, are we being honest with ourselves?
Or are we allowing our fears to cloud our judgment?
I indirectly do this in my writing as well. I am an example of both what to do, and what not to do.
Many people would not be willing to put themselves out there the way I do and I do so fearlessly.
I tend to want to push the envelope and with each fear I push through, I challenge myself to push past higher limits.
I have zero fear of putting my experiences out there, even if it only helps one person on their journey of self discovery.
This is what I will and do tell my children:
- Maintian a postive resolve.
- Be thoughtful and be kind, to yourself and to others.
- Look within on how you can be of service to others, without expectations.
- Do not be afraid to take Risks in Life, the rewards are ten fold.
- Do not be afraid of getting hurt, without pain there is no joy.
- Never be afraid to be yourself, because who you are is exactly who you are meant to be.
- Happiness is always a choice.
- Life moves quickly when you are making other plans. Live each day as if it was the last.
- Trust your instincts, they will never fail you.
- Be honest, with yourself, and those around you.
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