Camping: Single Mom Style

I'm a New York City girl at heart.  Camping is definitely NOT in my DNA.

I knew I had to suck it up and come out of this stereotype, so I took my 6 yr old camping as a single mom, solo.

I admit, I borrowed my ex-husband's gear, but technically all that crap was martial assets that I graciously allowed him to keep.  I decided, I was owed, visitation rights to all that camping gear.

My Jeep was packed.  Tent, huge Tupperware full of stuff I probably wouldn't use, 2 thermorest, 2 sleeping bags, pillows, blankets (it was going to be cold), a few pillows we didn't need, a camping stove, no table (which I totally needed.) And my prized possession, that I had just bought, an over priced, Salmon colored, Yeti Cooler. I sucked it up, because I could. 

Even with all that stuff, I'm still a minimalist.  After, seeing all the other campers, with all their gear, I realized, I basically had nothing.  But, that is how I roll in life.  

I go to the beach with one bag, one drink per kid and some snacks, (if they are lucky.) 

Less is more.  Definitely, an on going theme for my life in general. 

Here I am setting up a tent, in the dark, that my 10yr old taught me how to do at 6am that same morning, in our living room.  I was sure I had it straight.  Yet something just didn't seem right.  Something was not measuring up.  My poles were wrong.  

I doubted myself for a split second.  Did I really think I could put up a tent totally on my own?  I checked the directions, made a quick switch around and than I thought, this can't be it?  

The easiest tent to pitch by far. I got this!

And got COLD.  So damn cold, I was was wondering, once more, what was I thinking?  

My son is too little to snuggle for warmth, poor thing.  I checked him multiple times during the night. He was warm under his blankets and soundly asleep.  I wish I could do the same.

Fast forward to the morning after a treacherous cold night, we awoke to the most beautiful day to be camping.  My son helped me cook breakfast.  

Crispy Bacon and bacon grease pancakes.  What joy for a 6 year old.  He told me I was the best mom EVER, because bacon does that to kids.

Honestly the best part of the entire day was watching my child hit the bulls eye, one after the other, at BB gun shooting. 

It was mom who shared these moments with him.  Although, he complained, while waiting in a line that took forever and he asked repeatedly if we could come back later.

We could have skipped this event, but my intuition told me, "NO! We are shooting these damn BBs if it's the last thing we do."  He went from complainer to BB gun expert, and he left the event standing a wee bit taller.  He was so proud he had to call his older brother to share and brag how he hit the bulls eye over and over again.


Mom did it! 

And she didn't break, she survived and the memories were priceless.

Do the things that take you out of your 
comfort zone. 

Do these things for yourself and for your kids.  

You will come to the other side of it feeling stronger, empowered and fearless.   


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