We all have secrets.  
Some of us have bigger secrets than others.

Sometimes the secrets are so dark, they become skeletons in our closets.  Held so tightly, they die somewhere within our souls.

I honestly don't have any of those.  I have 'private' matters and I hold on to other people's secrets,  but for the most part I am an open book and will share most anything about my past, present or future.

I am very good at keeping secrets, especially, if it's extremely sensitive and private.  However, I only do this for my very trusted, loyal friends.

What happens to those secrets when the friendship falls away? 
Or if that friendship dies?

Are they still Secrets?

I have a few interesting scenarios.  We will call them 'hypothetical situations.'

At the end of the day, I'm here to entertain and there is nothing better than throwing our some nuggets of gold occasionally.

What if.....

I enjoy going out with my friends when I don't have my kids.  It's a blast and we always have a great time. Usually, I hang with my single friends, but occasionally a married friend comes along.

They often come to parties I throw as well. Sometimes married couples come. I like to entertain, it is what I do.

I can't help that the environment usually contains alcohol and that can, on occasion, make people do things they may not normally do sober.

I must caveat, we are all grown adults, with our own free will and self control and it is not my job to babysit ANYONE! 

Now, do my girlfriends, especially the married ones, get themselves into trouble sometimes?


Do they possibly hit on my single guy friends?


Is there some indecent behavior at times?

Possibly....but, I really shouldn't say.  

But, like I said.... 
We ALL have our secrets.

Maybe, it's the husbands who suspect and look at the rest of us with hopeful, helpless, eyes, as if to say, "Look out for my wife."  And yet, we already know, it's waaaay too late for that.  Especially after they bring their wife a change of clothes.

Your marriage really isn't our liability, NOT TONIGHT.  Not ANY night.  It's a shame really.  

But, we ARE ALL grown adults and I won't be pointing any fingers to anyone specifically.  I am sure the husbands are already very well aware.

Yet, it isn't my place to "kiss and tell" someone else's story. 

Unless, of course I am asked to.  I have another story, however, this one is a real gem:

A friend of mine gave me the green light to tell it. 

She is my friend with a secret. 

She felt it was time to share that she had a secret affair with another friend, right before he got married.  

She told me all about it at the time, swore me to secrecy.  She said, "it was by accident" and definitely "not intentional," however, it was the hottest sex she has ever had.  

He admitted he had always had 'a thing' for her, but couldn't leave his fiancée, because she would make his life a living hell and he needed help with his children.

He confessed he secretly didn't want to get married, but he was simply too deep into the relationship and was unable to find a reasonable exit out.  He was not in love, but it was better than being alone.

I almost died when she told me this!

The affair was short lived, but they occasionally ran into each other.  The two got along flawlessly, their chemistry was intense. He told my friend, she was the exact type of woman he could fall for: Sweet, Warm, Sexy and Chill.  Everything his future wife was NOT.  

The only reason my friend felt she needed to share this story, was because he was a good man, that did a weak thing, at a time when he was questioning how to move forward with his life.  He did eventually get married, but it was not happily and things ended shortly after.

Life is too precious to sit on our secrets.  Release the chain on your hearts, allow yourself to soar and be free with your truth.  


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