Love Thyself Fiercely

"I want to love me more."

Famous words by my sorority sister at a reunion this weekend.  She is in an unfulfilled marriage.

Why do we stay in unhappy relationships?

When is enough ENOUGH?

How do we spiral out of control until we have sacrificed our self worth?

When do we finally realize that to "love thyself" is more important than the sake of keeping the relationship intact? 

Being on the other side of an unhealthy relationship is extremely gratifying.  The best place to be, is to look back and reflect.

"Look at where I have been, 
look at where I am today."

I believe the first step in reclaiming our love for ourselves is by accepting that we have lost ourselves.  

When we figure out the aspects of our lives that are lacking, we discover we must focus on who we need to be.  The self discovery begins once again.  

Making the decision to love our self fiercely is vital to recapturing who we were, before the relationship began.

Remembering who we once were at our happiest moments is optimal.  How do we find ourselves once again? 

What was it about our self perception that allowed our initial loving moments to blossom? 

Or did those moments never exist and we settled for someone less worthy than what we truly deserve?

What do we truly desire? 

What is it, within ourselves, that we have lost in the person we chose to love? 

What do we need to reclaim, to find ourselves once again?

When we see ourselves, free of judgment, we are only then able to sincerely love another. 

Loving our self enough to date ourselves and be kind and compassionate to who we are at the core of our being is ideal. 

The self discovery fills our heart's desires and we no longer need anything.  We do not need another human to make ourselves complete. 

We are fulfilled, we are whole, we are able to allow ourselves to final give to another without expecting or needing anything in return. We can only than love unconditionally.

Last weekend I dated myself.  I treated myself to a tattoo, I took myself to a movie, I enjoyed every moment I had alone without my children and without any of my friends.  I chose myself first.  I have not been talking to anyone significant in the man realm and it's been good for me. It has been liberating and relaxed.  

It has been good for my heart.  
Good for my soul.  
Good for my self discovery.  

This has been a significant milestone to truly fulfilling my own needs as a healthy human.

This weekend I went to a sorority reunion and appreciated every moment as an independent, happy female.

My college friends are beautiful spirits.  We all accept one another, judgment free, for who we are as women.  We nourish one another selflessly.  

It's a beautiful symphony of female time together.

We cooked for one another, we drank together, we laughed wholeheartedly, we debated, we shared our lives, our time and our love.

It is the most sincere form of care I have experienced from a diverse group of strong, independent women.  It reminds me how important loving ourselves truly is.

We are intuitively sensitive to one another's needs. We each understand when one is going through a difficult life moment.  We listen, we support, we lift one another up, effortlessly with care.  Being in one another's space, buffers our souls, then releases them back into the world with renewed faith in who we are.

Take the time to care for yourself the right way.  

Care for thyself.

Than find the right people in life, who will understand our vulnerabilities without fear, no judgment.

This is a challenge, but one worth taking.

Ask yourself am I comfortable in my own skin? Can I be honest with my own self, my values, my true self?

This begins with self acceptance and self love. 

The best souls find the best souls.  

Be true to your souls intent.
Be true to Yourself. 
Love Thyself 


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