Penisatius translation:
Taking a Hiatus from men!
I have finally reached my limit.
I reached my fill of cheesy pick up lines, presumptuous men, ridiculous expectations and the mere fact that just when I think I have heard it all, I'm hit with something new.
Best Pick up Line I just heard:
"Your name should be gillette bc you’re the best a man can have."
It really makes no difference if I'm on a dating site, out in public or if the guy is already married, the lines are wildly entertaining.
I find my reaction lately is indifference. I stop caring.
This is why:
*How often on a dating site does a guy invite himself over?
Quite often! (The answer is always a big fat No!)
*How often do the words, beautiful, gorgeous, sexy or cute pass through a message, and I think, but you haven't even met me.
*How often do I hear, you smell or look good, yet the guy does not even know my name.
*Best of all, the ones, who already know me, and may actually have an interest....however taking me on a real, actual, bonafide date seems so far in left field.
What if they actually showed that they cared?
What if they actually showed that they cared?
Is chivalry truly dead?
I always, without a doubt, appreciate flattery. I am sometimes blown away at the forwardness, and I think, 'Wow!' That was really bold.
However, it no longer feeds my ego, it does not make me feel any different about myself. I simply do not need it.
However, it no longer feeds my ego, it does not make me feel any different about myself. I simply do not need it.
When did I stop caring? That mistifies me.
Or am I seeking something more substantial outside of my appearance?
I made a conscious decision to 'do me' a few weeks ago. I truly felt I was neglecting my deeper needs being happy with myself, by myself.
I do not NEED a partner, oppose to popular belief. As much fun as I have had dating, it started to become more of a task.
I am a very good date at my best, however, I soon discovered something eye opening.
Many men do not really care about getting to know me, they only care about whether or not I like them, or how I make them feel and is it enough to get me in bed?
Maybe that sounds shallow, but ultimately isn't that the end game for most men?
Maybe I have become cynical or worse - jaded!
I also began questioning what I truly wanted. Do I want or need a relationship?
What are my true motives?
Attention? Sex? Love?
That's the thing. I've become so indifferent, I stopping desiring the attention, and I certainly didn't need to listen to these guys talk on and on about themselves while on a date. It had become a viscous cycle.
I am bored to tears with men, ALL MEN!
(Not my male friends, that's a totally different ball game)
And I digress.
So a Penisatius is my current status. (Facebook needs a relationship status for this.)
I'm good.
I'm independent.
I'm single.
I'm independent.
I'm single.
Happy, Healthy and on a Hiatus!
A PenisHiatus.
Life is full of excitement, I choose to grab life by the balls and be the best version of myself possible.
Penisfree! ðŸ¤
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