Heart Shaped Glass
My 11 year old son has a philosophy, he was sharing it with his 7 year old brother.
Big brother giving little brother girl advice.
"Women are like glass." He began. "Heart shaped glass. In the beginning they are easily broken.
Over time, the glass gets stronger and is less easily broken. Don't break the glass in the beginning."
These are the words my 11 year old spoke.
I asked my son where he heard this and he said his brain. He just thought of it.
My oldest son will most certainly make a good boyfriend or husband one day.
I believe my youngest will be an authentic player.
Only time will tell.
Respecting women and who they are from a man's perspective is an interesting concept. I often wonder what a man's relationship is with their mother, and how that influences their relationships with women as they get older.
Both my boys adore me. Both my boys are sweet and loving. I realize it is my job to nurture their relationships and help them feel secure. How I love them will translate how they choose to love their partner one day.
Our relationships with our sons are important. How we give of ourselves day to day molds them.
Are we open, honest, sincere? They will learn to be the same.
Do we give hugs and not let go too quickly?
Are we warm and caring, yet not controlling and smothering.
Being mindful of how we care and give our love is significant in their growth.
I am definitely no expert in raising boys to be decent men, however, I see my sons as they grow up and I'm proud and I think I'm figuring it out as I go.
The I love yous are a abundant.
The care is there.
Never be afraid to share how you feel. Especially, with our boys. They are sensitive and vulnerable, but are told from a young age they need to be tough and strong. "Don't cry. Don't be weak." As a mother of two boys, I'm learning it's a delicate balance of strength intertwined with sensitivity.
We have a responsibility raising our sons. One day they may be fathers. Who will they choose to parent with and what will they reflect on from their childhood?
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