Laughter Loves Friendship
If Misery Loves Company, then Laughter Loves Friendship.
I absolutely love to make people laugh. At the expense of others and myself. As hard as life can be with all the ups and downs, it can also be very funny.
It's entertainment. We are all capable of entertaining, but do we choose to do so?
Finding something to laugh about until your eyes begin to well up with tears, is the best, most uplifting feeling.
I believe I lost my laughter in my marriage. I'm not sure if it was me, my serious partner or just the fact that marriage was too anchored for my fleeting soul.
I reclaimed my spirit quickly after freeing myself from my marital chains.
I found friends who laughed with me, the best friends who know how to make the most ridiculous situations into a laugh till you cry fest.
They are my best audience and they get it. They get that even when life can be difficult, there is always something to laugh about. We find the humor.
Stop and think. When Is the last time you laughed so hard you couldn't stop?
When was the last time you said, thought or texted something funny?
Texts that make you laugh are the best. When someone cracks me up via text, and I am laughing over the most random thing, I know I haven't lost my sense of humor. We humans tend to do this from time to time.
I've been known to scroll through Facebook and laugh over the most ridiculous things people post. It's an outlet to make me laugh. I may steal a few and re post to one of my Instagram accounts.
Laughter is contagious, we need to share it!
When I was a kid, poop made me laugh. My cousin and I would make his mom and my sister tell poop and fart stores until we were laughing so hard we couldn't stop. We laughed so hard together. My childhood laughter are some of my favorite memories.
Are we laughing with our children?
My cousin and I thrived off provoking and listening to the adults in our life tell these outrageous stories.
My sister tells some of the same stories to my boys. I laugh with them because the stories are still funny.
It's an easy outlet to laugh with my boys. They think everything is funny.
Especially poop and especially farts.
It's an easy outlet to laugh with my boys. They think everything is funny.
Especially poop and especially farts.
We have no filter, because we may miss an opportunity to make each other laugh.
I have always loved stand up comedy. Since I was a kid with my cousin too. I still watch it and some stuff is ridiculously funny, some is extremely politically incorrect, but still funny, some is so out of the box I wonder, how did they possibly think of that?
We should never take offense, when their is humor intertwined.
We should never take offense, when their is humor intertwined.
It's still funny!
When life gets you down, find something to make you smile, find the humor in life.
Laugh out loud. Laugh until your belly hurts. Laugh until you forget why you didn't want to laugh at all.
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