Crazy Ex - Blog Series : How to shut them down.
What do you do when you have a relentless ex that solely wants to get back at you?
Do you ignore them?
Do you fight back?
Do you passive aggressively act out?
They will stalk you.
They will try to control you.
They will lie.
They will try to control you.
They will lie.
They will find ways to make your life a living hell.
If you have kids, with a scorned ex, you will always have to deal with them.
Every step of the way, they will make mountains out of mole hills. They will make you wish you never met them, let alone make little humans with them.
Every step of the way, they will make mountains out of mole hills. They will make you wish you never met them, let alone make little humans with them.
Whether you loved this person or not, at one time, you can be certain you will most certainly loathe them at this time.
The thing with exs is, they do not know they are crazy! They will justify everything that they do.
They will conveniently show up where you are, maybe make plans with mutual friends, hoping they'll see you.
They will stalk your every move.
Take the location services off Facebook and block that crazy bitch (or bastard)! Do not allow them to gain any sort of control over your life.
I gave some very sound advice to my friend once, as her ex was relentlessly picking the most ridiculous battles and dragging her ass to court every chance he got. Her life was chaos. I simply stated, "Pretend he does not exist!" form a protective bubble of: "I don't care."
Although, he didn't change his behavior, she lived with a lot more peace over the situation in general.
Do not allow the ex any head space unless it is to simply poke fun at them with friends, only because a scorned ex needs to be made light of. Never should they be a problem or a headache.
They are nothing, nada, nobody. They want to act as if they are still in you life. They want to think you care about them and what they think.
They will call. (Ignore the calls)
They will text (Ignore the texts)
They will do everything in their power to prove they are in control or have the upperhand.
They will text (Ignore the texts)
They will do everything in their power to prove they are in control or have the upperhand.
They do not.
The power you will have over them, is you are happy and they are not. This will always be true.
If an ex leaves you alone, they are happy and settled and they don't care.
The crazy ones care. They care waaaaay too much.
The hardest part is if you share children. This is when crazy exs get tricky. You can not ignore them 100% as you do need to co-parent and it is difficult to co-parent with a crazy, nasty, cold hearted ex.
They may record calls with the children, they will twist your words and attempt to manipulate. They will withhold time and money. They will use every method and excuse to try and hurt you. It is never about what is best for the child(ren).
Absolutely, do not feed into it. If you do not care, no energy exchange will take place. Eventually they will get bored and stop.
Do not fight them.
Do not try and out do their antics.
Do not try to hurt them back.
Stay tuned for next week as the crazy ex blog series continues. If you missed last weeks post, check out: "Are they really crazy?"
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