
The word Karma is use loosely. 
What does it really mean?

Do good people have good Karma and bad people have bad Karma? 

This is what we think and how we believe life works.

I believe in energy.  We put positive energy into the Universe and positive energy comes back.  Put negative energy into the Universe and negative energy comes back.
It is basically the same thing.  Karma is what we want it to be. Wishing someone good or bad Karma isn't the way it works.

I never wish bad onto anyone.  But, I do pay attention to someone's struggles from a distance.  I understand when someone is hurting or continues to struggle and relive the same life Karma over and over again.

Why is this?

Until the lesson is learned, we make the same mistakes over and over again.  Almost like Groundhogs Day!   We need to wake up and recognize what the true problems are at the heart of it.  Our souls true intent is more important than anything we choose to do or how we choose to do it.

Think about it.  If we are unsettled, it is our soul saying something is not working.  The puzzle pieces are not fitting.  This is a key to our truth.

We are capable of healing ourselves.
We are capable of paving our own destinies.
We are capable of allowing good into our lives. 

How? Why? When?

Think about these things. 

Are you hurt?
Are you sad?
Are you angry?
Are you confused?

This is Karma, telling you to make a change.

Change your attitude.
Change your perspective.
Change your mind.

It's that simple.

I know this basically because I have been told I live a charmed life.  I have been compared to a cat that always lands on her feet.  Nothing holds me down.  And I have overcome many, many obstacles.

I speak from experience. I speak from always owning my choices, owning my path and never looking back.  I have zero regrets.  I embrace everything in my life.  The good and the bad.

A friend of mine heard I was doing this blog on Karma.  This is what he shared:

His friend was being abused by her boyfriend. Terrible abuse and they had a child together.  

One day he got into a car accident and died.  

True Story! 

Is this Karma? 


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