Abundance in Authenticity
One thing I have come to realize as I navigate life and everything it entails, being authentic keeps it real.
Our spirits thrive naturally when we do not fight our natural urges to be someone we are not meant to be.
Do you ever stop and think,
"Who have I become?"
"Who am I?"
Do you have an answer?
Does that answer scare you?
Or are you satisfied with who you are?
Does that answer scare you?
Or are you satisfied with who you are?
I believe we are all capable of being better, and finding more happiness.
The universe is abundant, there are no limits.
Comprehending this is the key to everything.
Once you accept this to be true, your heart and mind will open up to limitless possibilities.
Being honest, true to our core, and admitting when we are vulnerable, gives our spirit permission to fly and find whatever we need in the present moment.
Stressing or worrying about things beyond our control is pointless. How we react to those things paves the path for what lies ahead.
You'll get more of the same or a brand new picture will be created. A new life with different expectations. We do have a choice.
Begin with you! Begin with understanding your deepest, truest self.
No filter. No lies. No facade.
Then look at those closest to you.
Are you present for them?
Really present, not self absorbed.
Are you authentic and sincere?
Not trying to impress.
Are you kind and warm?
Without judgment?
Do you feel at peace in these relationships?
Reevaluate, reinterpret and realign. Find your authenticity and your truth. The rest falls on you like a ton of bricks.
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