
We all say we want Peace.  We desire Peace. We strive for it.  

Yet how many of us truly Practice Peace? 

I tend to attract friends with all different personalities.  I have my wild and carefree friends, I have my serious friends, I have friends who are zen and I have friends who are a little crazy.  They are all good people.  

However, some are at peace, while other's are not.

It truly does not matter their personality.  Peace is something we find within and needs to be maintained each and everyday.  It is something that surrounds our souls, it is nurtured in our homes, and stays with us no matter where we go.  

I have a married couple I recently became friends with.  Their home is very peaceful.  At first entry you would never know they have four children, two still in diapers.

Their home is so calm and peaceful, my youngest didn't want to leave. He simply felt so at home.  It was the energy, the colors and the warmth.  I understood what he meant perfectly.

My own home could probably have more warm decor, and more colorful warm walls, but very recently we reclaimed out calm. 

Our peaceful home is very much intact.  The Zen is perfectly in place, a little incense and sage with a prayer.  All came full circle, back to where we needed to be. 

It is a state of mind, an energy, a way we think.

I won't go into the details of why we lost our peace, but sometimes as much as we want our energies to mix with others, there are times when it simply does not work.

Sometimes we want it so bad, we ignore the fact that certain energies are not meant to be intertwined.  They come together quickly then churn into a tornado like force, causing our peace to be disturbed profusely.  

It's unfortunate, but the Universe never lies.  Regardless of what our hearts desire, the Universe will change our paths in a heartbeat.  Never once with regret, knowing the ultimate goal is for our Peace.  

Peace of Mind, Peace in our Hearts, Peace in our Home.  

I write while sitting on my balcony.  It's always beautiful outside.  It's always quiet.  It's always peaceful.  Writing cleanses me.  It's an entire process I have not waiver from, it has always kept me centered.  

Even in my most difficult life scenarios, I can come back to my Peace.  There is reflection.  There is understanding.  There is a calm in my heart.  

Giving or sharing our peace is always important.  However, when the time is over, we will know.


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