
For those of us who do not shy away from Roller coaster rides, does this reveal an aspect of our personality? 

Adventure Seeker
Adrenaline Junkie
Life Liver

Free & Fearless

What is it about that feeling when you're climbing to the highest peek of the coaster, the pit in our stomachs of anticipation, it builds slowly, with the click, click, click of the coaster ride.  

You know what is coming, you've seen it clearly, and the initial drop never gets old.  It's a rush of excitement that our bodies and minds crave with desire.  It's like no other feeling.

The first time may be horrifically agonizing.  The next time is always easier. After you've done it over and over again, you realize you are a pro and no rollercoaster is too big or too intimidating to take on.

Rollercoasters are meant to shake up the mundane and remind us we are alive.  

We are spirit beings living the human experience.  We owe it to ourselves to experience all that life has to offer. 

Let's take the same experience and recreate it in our day to day life.

Who says life needs to be a straight 'coasta ride' from Point A to Point B?  Why would we not want lavish ups and downs and, YES, occasionally get tossed upside down, just to be reminded of who we are and where we stand.

I hate when the word drama is used to describe a person.  Many of us seek out Drama TV series and binge watch the heck out of them. I've done it, to the point where I get sad on the last episode, as I have grown to love the characters so damn much. 

What is more exciting, watching someone else's exciting life or living your own?

I would never personally call myself 'Drama,' yet I'd never shy away from speaking my truth and doing what I feel is necessary at the current moment. This creates my life.  I'd call it a result of what my intuition tells me do, as I assess the right vs. wrong of the situation.

It is similar to the anticipatory climb to a top of the Rollercoaster.  I'm never really quite sure exactly when the fall is coming.  I know it is close, but I have no idea if it'll be super fast and straight down or more of a twist and turn towards a new peek.  

That's the excitement, NOT knowing.  

When the pit in my stomach is gone, I know it was worth the anticipation of not knowing and I ride the wave.  At the end I look back and think, that was the best ride and I look forward to the next.  I wonder if it'll be higher or scarier or just a smaller version of what I've done before.  

I have had days, when I wake up in the morning and expect my life will go one way, and in an instant something will change.  Not because I thought it would, but more often because circumstances changed or people approached me differently.  

Lucky for me I'm adaptable.  And I'm raising two little adaptable side kicks, who will find greatness one day.

Today, as usual, I sit on my peaceful balcony.  I can smell the bacon cooking from the Deli below me, my 'big love' coffee mug sits next to me. The weather is exceptionally beautiful.  It's my little piece of paradise.  This hasn't changed. 

However, where I was last Sunday is a 100% shift from this Sunday.  I do not know why or what will change going forward, however I am prepared and this is how my life unfolds.

It's not boring, It's not misleading, it's simply manifesting.  I took a gamble and I may have just seen some very significant rewards.

If you feel your life is complacent, maybe it's time to strap in, and take a chance on something new.  Pick one: your livelihood, your lover, your living situation.   

Maybe all three.  

If you simply love your life, as is, and would make no changes, be a supporting cast member in someone else's life.  Be the funny, lovable person with the fabulous advice who 'gets it.' Jump in and work with them. 

Either way, it will evoke emotion and keep your heart, a muscle, well trained for whatever is about to come.  


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