Unanticipated Consequences
Sometimes you make decisions with the best of intentions and can not anticipate the outcome. Also known as 'unanticipated consequences.'
About two years ago I wrote a blog entry about Zip lining and how scared I was. It was entitled "Scared Shitless". It was on a trip to Hawaii, soon after getting divorce.
A little over two years later, I found myself zip lining in Costa Rica. However, this time, I wasn't the one over coming a fear. My partner in crime (my male counterpart) was in for a surprise.
When I signed us up for an all day adventure, with ziplining being one of seven things on the itinerary, I didn't think much of it. I had planted this seed all week.
He agreed without hesitation, although he had already voiced his fears of heights and how ziplining simply 'wasn't his thing.'
He agreed without hesitation, although he had already voiced his fears of heights and how ziplining simply 'wasn't his thing.'
By the time we were were harnessed up, I was wondering if he was contemplating bailing out. The 5 minute orientation, including how to stop and not get stuck, was probably a tad more primitive than even I was expecting.
I, of course, took note and vocalize how the little kids and grandpa in our group were fearlessly moving forward not skipping a beat. I smiled sheeplessly.
Honestly, as we climbed further and further up into the rain forest, to the first ziplining deck, I truly was not ready for what we were about to experience.
1000 feet long cables and over 500 feet drops to the rain forest abyss. Any apprehension I may have had quickly needed to be buried. If my partner sensed I was slightly nervous, I'm pretty sure he would have turned around.
We were both committed.
That first push off the deck was the right answer. I was definitely not expecting it to be as high or fast, but it was a rush and totally worth all the unknowns. My fear of ziplining and heights was conquered once and now it was my turn to help the person I cared for, overcome his fear.
I almost felt bad, after the first two runs, his fear was clear, written all over his face. However, by the third run, everything changed. He had found his way and he was enjoying it. My gut was spot on. Although, I had some hope mixed in, I hoped he wouldn't have a full on anxiety attack.
No one truly understands another's fears. We don't know their anxiety levels or how they will react when put in a fearful or stressful situation. It's very easy to take another's stress levels for granted.
I took care, but was really mindful of the situation. My mindset was different than his, and I needed to be aware, yet allow the circumstances to play out.
In everyday life, when a person isn't mentally prepared, even something as small as a get together can be overwhelming. We should always be understanding and allow the person their time.
Yet, every so often, the unintended circumstances will be a sweet outcome and turn into an incredibly great story to share with family and friends.
We will never forget, nor regret my decision that day. I believe we built an incredible amount of trust together and pushed through to a good space. It was something I definitely was not anticipating.
I'm sure it won't be the last fear we conquered together, but I'm sure glad it was a first.
We are here with purpose.
Supporting all our good, but more importantly, all our fears.
We are here to help make one another stronger.
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