Who Am I?
Have you ever stopped and asked yourself,
Why am I here?
Why am I living?
Why am I alive?
What's our purpose?
Who am I (at the core)? What's the point?
I recall asking myself one of these question at a very young age. I repeated over and over in my young mind, "Who am I?"
Over and over again, I rolled the question, until I fell into a trance like state of self awareness. It was surreal and I recall the memory as it if was only yesterday.
I intuitively understand and know things, through feelings and moment to moment answers that pop into my head, before I even realized I asked the question.
This could be a gift, or it could be a curse. Most importantly, I am aware that I have a purpose with peace.
We all have a different, specific, purpose. I don't necessarily know why or how we come to terms with it.
Ask yourself "Am I happy?"
Ask yourself "Am I thriving?"
Ask yourself "Am I fulfilled?"
If all these answers are, "Yes!"
Finally ask, "What is my purpose?"
"Why am I here?" "Who am I?"
These are very profound questions to challenge our mind, body & soul.
We are challenged each and everyday to find meaning in our lives.
We are not our job. That is not who we are.
We are not our relationship. That is not who we are.
We are not our children's keeper. That is not who we are.
We are not ________! (fill in the blank)
At any given moment we can be a myriad of feelings, emotions or labels. However, this does not define us.
I am a women, a mother, a friend, a lover, a person.
I am also sweet, childish, understanding, free spirited, outspoken, outgoing.
I am stubborn, frustrating, spoiled, bitchy, reckless.
I am all encompassing. I am a whole.
We all are. Yet we also need to accept all of ourselves, the good and the bad.
Some embrace the good. And focus only on those innate qualities, others relish in the bad. They pride in their ability to live with no boundaries or rules.
No one way is right or wrong. Yet no human spirit can consistently be all good or all bad. We are everything.
Once I released myself from childhood expectations and restrictions, I rebirth and reclaimed myself.
I no longer judged myself with harshness and I forgave myself.
I learned to let those around me live their truth with less judgment and I forgave for any judgments casted upon me.
I'm not religious. I would blanket myself as spiritual.
I have my limits and boundaries, however I'm not afraid to cross them and explore. I'm not afraid to write and speak my truth. Even if I know I will be judged. Judgments are paramount in our growth and self awareness.
We must all speak our truth, even if that truth has consequences. How else will we grow and continue to discover who we are?
Be uncomfortable. Be out of control. Be unforgivable. Then settle back and be everything else you were told or tell yourself not to be! In turn you will find the clarity, and balance to truly know who you are.
Only after you encompass all of you!
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