energy shifts
Energy shifts.
We talk about our feelings. We talk about getting hurt.
We find solace in hearing others people's stories of self discovery.
We find solace in hearing others people's stories of self discovery.
We find peace in knowing those of lesser means are being helped.
Why do these events Universally move all humans?
What touches our hearts and souls to the core is an energy we all share in common.
It gives us hope in humanity, even in the mist of misery.
What touches our hearts and souls to the core is an energy we all share in common.
It gives us hope in humanity, even in the mist of misery.
There's a saying "Misery loves company."
This saying is common because it is true. It is a real thing.
Have you ever Eavesdropped on a gaggle of women complaining about their lives, their kids, their men, their jobs. Without an ounce of gratitude? It is defeating. They feed off one another like a pack of wolves.
Men will commiserate too. About their women, or lack there of, their finances, or sports teams.
The complaints are all a distraction. A distraction to displace the truth of what is at the root of our unhappiness.
People come to me with their problems. Maybe they think I have a magic wand to heal them. I do my best. I, at times, hear myself telling others, 'It could be worse."
"Someone else has it worse."
"At least no one died."
"Someone else has it worse."
"At least no one died."
Honestly, the worse thing that can happen in our lives is sickness and death. Losing those we love and cherish the most.
Every other problem can be resolved with a change of perspective or thinking.
When there's a shift in thinking, there's a shift in energy. Our entire lives can transform.
I have recently had a boyfriend live with me for an entire six months. He moved out last week. My initially thoughts on the matter were: 'I am sad to see him go.' I could not imagine life apart, although our relationship had changed.
However, once he was gone, there was an entire energy shift in my home. My condo felt different. It was better than I had anticipated.
My entire mindset and aura changed as soon as he was gone. The dynamics of us living together simply didn't work. I didn't realize how difficult it was until he left. I felt free and back to my old self once he was gone. I'm unsure if it was his energy, his lack of cleanliness or just that as friends, living apart, we were better suited.
My life went from emotional chaos to clarity and peace of mind. It was a much needed energy shift.
Although, I don't mediate as often as I should. I ask this. Are you at peace in your life?
With your relationship?
With your job?
With your friends?
With every aspect of your life?
Make an uncomfortable change in your thought process and then make a change.
You'd be amazed how shaking things up, creates a shift in energy. The shift very much needs to release old belief systems and open your mind up to new experiences, new people and new opportunities.
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