Have you ever thought about a person, saw something to remind you of them, had an entire conversation about the person and bam they show up in your life just like that?
It could be a text, in person or a phone call.
Do coincidences really happen or is there some cosmic plan in place every moment of every day?
I don't normally pay attention to little signs that scream "PAY ATTENTION!
However, recently I was hit with two ironic occurrences that I could not dismiss nor ignore.
I was watching a documentary that reminded me of a girlfriend I hadn't seen in a while. I thought of her and wondered how she was doing. Later that day, I took my boys to a local sushi restaurant she and I use to go to occasionally. I again, wondered how she was as I looked through the menu.
The next thing I knew, my girlfriend was standing in the restaurant, next to my table. I had literally not seen her for about a year. I was floored. She was picking up a takeout order and stayed to catch up with my boys and I while she waited. It was really good to see her.
Although, this is not a huge thing, it stuck with me.
Did my thoughts predict the moment, or did my thoughts draw her closer? I'm unsure.
But the next day, I had a dream and my mom and my childhood friend's mom were in it.
Both have passed away.
I took note. Moms are keeping an eye out.
The dream was very vivid. So, vivid, I reached out to my childhood friend about it. The next evening, I saw my sister. We both started talking about our Aunt who has been like a mother to both of us.
Our Aunt is a snow bird and is only a mere 3hrs away. "What is she doing?" Neither of us had heard from her. My sister and I laughed, but we both agreed we needed to make plans with her. The next morning, my Aunt grouped texted both of us about an Italian festival next weekend to see our cousin Sal perform.
I actually checked my texts to see if I messaged her the night before and forgot. I had not.
It made me wonder. Did she sense we were talking about wanting to see her? Were my mother dreams pushing me to want to see my beautiful aunt who has been a mom role model to me since I was young?
To anyone else, this may not appear to be significant. However, for my personal life, it felt important.
To anyone else, this may not appear to be significant. However, for my personal life, it felt important.
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These small moments in all of our lives are significant. They pull us from the mundane and remind us, we are all connected for the right reasons.
It reminds us to be "In The Now" This is most important for all of us.
I recently listened to an audio book about being "In The Now."
No regrets or dwelling about the past. No concerns or worries about the future. I believe moments of coincidence or serendipity remind us to be present and to pay attention to what is going on in the moment. Not to be hung up on a particular outcome.
It releases anxiety, it dissipates disappointment. It allows for a very fulfilling, joyful existence.
Too easy you may think. Try it. It's really not that easy and it takes practice. It is more or less a philosophy. It is basic and simple and it takes discipline and time to master.
No regrets or dwelling about the past. No concerns or worries about the future. I believe moments of coincidence or serendipity remind us to be present and to pay attention to what is going on in the moment. Not to be hung up on a particular outcome.
It releases anxiety, it dissipates disappointment. It allows for a very fulfilling, joyful existence.
Too easy you may think. Try it. It's really not that easy and it takes practice. It is more or less a philosophy. It is basic and simple and it takes discipline and time to master.
In our now moments of clarity, it truly is the greatest feeling in the world.
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