Living our Best Life

Living our best life.  

What does that truly mean?

Is this about purpose?

Is it about being kind?

Is it about getting the most out of who we are truly meant to be?

Having good intentions often isn't good enough.  Many times we have well intentions, and life will steer us into the storms of unpredictability.  

We are often drawn towards people or situations that do not serve us.  However, sometimes it takes time to see a person's true intent.  

There are those lessons in life we never knew we needed until time reveals the purpose.

Why do we feel we need purpose or answers when life goes awry?  

Does it make it okay when people have failed us?  

Or is it easier to forgive ourselves for making poor choices?

Maybe it's a little of both.  

Life has curve balls for a reason.  To push us to be better, stronger, kinder, more loving.  Sometimes we need to visit other aspects of who we perceive we are, to ground ourselves in what we truly need and want.

This is never by accident.  We are pushed out of our comfort zones deliberately, which inadvertently heightens our vulnerability, in order to process change.

I had a crazy dream the other night.  I drove my Jeep out of a massive, multiple, car pile up, over a ledge into a stadium dome.

As I was falling, my first thought was crap, "There goes my Jeep," my second thought was, "I'm not dying!"  I intended to survive. 

I knew I would and I lived.  I had zero fear.  I was never scared, I only wanted to have a positive outcome.  As I sat in my overturned Jeep, I knew I was still very much in control of my destiny. 
That would be to continue my life.  

Life is what we make of it.  We can choose who we spend our time with.  We can choose how we feel about situations and others. We can change our minds at anytime.  Most importantly, we do have control, even in our most vulnerable moments, we can decide how we will fall and steer accordingly.

We don't need to justify our actions or apologize.  Regardless of self judgments or others, we are all navigating our lives in different ways.

However, if we are true to our hearts intent, if we have compassion for others and patience, to allow others to live their own journey, we will find balance.

The things that no longer serve your well being will fall away.  You may push them away, or make a conscious choice to move away.  You will look back and understand those difficult choices more clearly. 

Living your Best Life is a choice.

Be still and the answers will always come.  


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