The Aftermath

Something really special happens when you open up and share your story.  

What once ate you alive inside, becomes the same exact thing that saves you.  It becomes the truth serum that heals all wounds.

I wrote a very candid piece last week about my rocky and trechourous relationship.   If you didn't see it you can read it here:

That saying, "the truth will set you free" is a true blessing.  I had such an out pouring of support and understanding, it took away all the anxiety and fear associated with sharing such a sensitive and vulnerable part of my life.

Now I'm the one helping others.  

That is the part I never expected.  Even people who were involved with my ex reached out to me, stating, "if I had only known"  and "it explains so much,"  "thank you for sharing."

A mere week later and life takes on a totally new turn of events, all because I was brave enough to open up and share without any concern regarding judgements or 'The Aftermath!"

It is hard to open up sometimes.  As humans we carry much heartache and pain. 

There is much fear around sharing what hurts us deeply within. Yet sharing what harms our soul is completely lethargic.  It always sets a person free.  

Speaking our truth allows us to cleanse and purge the negativity and it opens up space  for positive, unprecedented growth.  

Many people naturally open up to me.  They feel safe and there is no judgment.   I listen and I absorb.  Then they stop, look at me and say:

'It feels so much better to talk about this.'

I'm not a therapist and I don't always give advice on how to move forward.  I only listen and all on their own, the person figures out how to move forward.  It's their story, their journey.

The power of releasing our deepest, inner truth is critical in moving forward on our path.  

Whether you are currently in an abusive relationship or have been in one.  If could have been with a parent growing up, a friend, an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, talking about the abuse is important in order to release the damage that has been done and to heal.  

I believe everyone has encountered some level of emotional, physical or sexual abuse at one point in their lives.  

Sometimes it is sudel, on a slow boil and we don't realize its abuse until it's too late.  

It can be traumatic and treacherous, other times, it's simply a faint memory. However, the abuse will always shape who we are from the inside out.  It changes our spirit, our soul and our hearts. 

I strongly encourage each of us to speak out and share our darkest moments.  Even if it breaks you down to tears, makes you uncomfortable, or hurts all over again.

The only way to heal and be free is to feel the pain, feel the loss and release it. 

Otherwise, that hurt and pain will eat at you, often causing new suffering to surface and be inflicted elsewhere.  This is how the pain cycle continues.  

Let's end those cycles.  

My outlet is waiting.  

Find your outlet and let go, be done with the pain.


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