Pandemic spectrum

Pandemic Spectrum.

Where are you?


Are Primarily Conservative?

Do you stay in? Do you always wear a mask. Do you fear you will get the virus and not know if you'll give it to someone you love and care about? Do you elbow bump when you say hello?

Do you go to the supermarket and comment on those walking down the wrong way in the aisle?

Do you mask shame people for not wearing a mask? 

Has the pandemic paralyzed you and your life?

Are you more Liberal?

Are you open, maybe a little reckless? You never wear a mask and you eat out without hand sanitizer. Are you still hugging people? Do you have no concerns for contracting the virus because you think you already had it or have no 'high risk' people in your circle? You have zero fear and the this pandemic has done little to change your life.

Are you in the Middle of the Spectrum?

Are you somewhere in the middle of this spectrum. You are concerned, but not freaking out concerned. You are aware, but it hasn't crippled your existence.  You are not monitoring everyone else's actions.  

I don't pay much mind to what other people think, especially if they are strangers. 

I live my life by my own set of rules based on my gut and intuition.

Yet, isn't that how everyone lives their lives, by our own set of rules?  We are all coping in different ways.

But be honest about where you stand and why.

The whys are the most important. Are these whys surrounded by your own belief
system or by the ideals of what someone else tells you they should be?

Think about this carefully.

Do you act out of free will or out of fear?

I have a friend who had Covid. He told me it began with a headache and then diarrhea. He was extremely tired, but couldn't sleep.  The doctors intially told him he had a nasty ear infection.  He ultimately had to get tested, after taking the rapid antibody test, he had to go back a second time to get the nasal swab test.  

For 6 days he had muscle aches, felt clamy, but surprisingly no fever. He had no appetite at all, and some shortness of breath. He said it almost felt like the flu, but it definitely was a different feeling of sickness. 

When he did get the positive results, the Health Department called a couple of times. He has since tested negative after being quarantine home for atleast 2 weeks.  He was told sometimes it takes up to 8 weeks to get a negative result after having Covid. 

That really blows my mind.

I'm grateful he is feeling better and was not hospitalized. He did say it was one of the worse experiences of being sick in his life.

This make me wonder. What are we really dealing with?  We don't know the long term effects or if we will even build up immunity in the masses.

This is the problem. All the unknowns.

Peoples behaviors have change. It makes people uneasy. People are crankyuncertain, fearful and they push their ideals on what we should and shouldn't do onto others.

We tend to have our guard down less with those we know, but, honestly, does it truly
matter? We are all susceptible. Why even pick and choose who we hug or don't hug?

Is a stranger more 'at risk?' 

If our servers aren't wearing masks, do we get mad at management?  Maybe should we simply stay home.

We have choices. We can only dictate our own choices. We can only protect ourselves
or our close loved ones. This is the issue. We have zero control outside of our own
homes. I do not feel anger or sadness, as I feel it is pointless. Especially directed towards someone else.

My boys are traveling the US for the next 3 weeks. They could be exposed, but, really I
don't know or have any control on their whereabouts. I need to trust their dad and look forward to having 2 healthy boys returned to me.

In the meantime, I have my own trip coming up with friends in Vermont. I will need to
get tested before I leave, a mere inconvenience.

I'm not thrilled about traveling, But, I'll
do it, and I'll be happy once I reach my destination. Test or no test, exposure or no

I have spoken to people in the health care industry and it never sounds good. We are
far from being relieved and released from our current state of this pandemic.

Where will you be on this spectrum today and tomorrow?

Where will you be in 6 months? And why?

The Pandemic Spectrum of healing and hope is a tricky one. Take care of yourself and be
kind to those around you, as you truly do not know where someone else stands.


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