Weathering the Storms to a Castle of Care

No matter what happens in our lives we find a way to weather the storms.  What comes out on the other side is always a mystery. 

And this year has brought so much to our plates.  Pandemic, financial burdens, Sand Storms, actual thunderstorms, (while living in Sunny Florida.)

I have been there for friends dealing with relationship problems, breakups and coping with depression.  I have been there for friends dealing with their crazy ex-spouses trying to co-parent.  

I have battled my personal storms and have reflected. 

In hindsight, I would not change a thing.

I am grateful.

The turn of events in 2020, has been a blessing in disguise for my homelife.

I have had the opportunity to spend so much more quality time with my boys, while working from home.  

Even with my hours reduced, I have learned to embrace the additional freedom and make my home a warm, loving, 'Castle of care.'

I have had friends resurface in my life with a tremendous amount of love and care.  I have been able to embrace these friendships with a whole and happy heart.

What I have discovered is, 
I'm better now.

I'm a better friend.
I'm a happier friend.
I'm a healthier friend.

For myself.
For my boys.
Towards everyone around me. 

These are the seasons of life.

Some seasons are beautiful.
Picture perfect memories.
They feel and are exactly what we need at that time. 

Other seasons are stormy, unpredictable and unstable. We want to forget and move through as quickly as possible.

We need to slow down, as the lessons are always in those stroms. 
The journey is seasoned for a reason.  
The more seasoning, the tastier our lives become. 

I feel it is extremely important to embrace the bad seasons in order to fully appreciate the good ones.  Love all of life, even the most uncomfortable moments.  

For it is in the uncomfortable moments we learn resilience and how to find our comfort with care.

There is a delicate balance to finding our place within, that will continually guide us, despite any situation.  

When we allow our hearts to thrive and remain open, no matter how our minds conflict with our heart, we will find our center. 

That place of certainty, feels incredible when we are taking the proper care needed. 

Care for ourselves translates to care for others.

The beauty in life is intertwined in the inperfections.

The beauty is in the chaos of the storms. 

The beauty is the rainbow that follows after the storm.  

We need those storms to master our rainbows


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