Hug A Tree

Every so often we need to stop and hug a tree.  Sometimes figuratively, sometimes literally. 

This is more about cleansing our souls than anything.  It's about being true to our hearts intent.

How often have you let life get the best of you?  

You are overwhelmed, anxious, unsettled or just not feeling good about a particular place in your life?

Find something to ground you.  Hug that tree!! Find your center!  Be Still.

I hug my tree about twice a year with my college girlfriends.  It does not matter where we land together, it only matters that we are together.  

We talk, we laugh, we understand, we see one another.  Regardless of what we have been through we come together effortlessly to heal one another through unconditionally love and TLC.  

We have watched each of us grow over the years into a different, much better version of ourselves.  We see the changes.  We thrive off each other's soothing energy.

I don't know how this came to be.  I do, however, know it has saved us.

Finding a safe place with trusted friends, family or even a quiet haven to rest our soul is extremely important in self discocery and self repair.  

This is how we transform. This is how we move forward into a lighter being.   Like a beautiful free butterfly after cacooning, we must face all our limitations before reaching new debths of our existence while living on this earth.

Find a tree.  Hug the tree.  Be one with the tree and let it all Go.  Allow life to flow. 

Like a perfectly prestine body of water, clear to the eye, cool to the touch, a canvas for our existence. 

When you feel a doubt in direction or an uncertainty in who you are, know you are supported in perfect harmony with all that earth and the universe has to offer.  

Tap into the unlimited forces available to you.  You are worthy and deserving. 


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