Are you Bleeding On Someone?
This was my inspiration for today.
It was a very good reminder of what happens to people when they are hurting.
There is a story behind this photo.
A friend of mine sent it to her estranged boyfriend and he forwarded it to me.
I want to help. However, I can't.
It's my nature to want to be there and help a person pick up those pieces.
Meanwhile, I tend to never ask for help with my own emotional health. I just find my way and take care.
My friend's ex asked me to write their story. I said, "I would consider it." Their story is a personal one. It is intertwined with both love and on going hurt.
I wasn't sure if I should. After a few poignant events, I decided that photo would be my platform. It sparked within me.
How often do we bleed on our loved ones inadvertently? Not because we want to do harm or hurt, but because we never healed our wounds.
This often happens for generations in families. The hurt and harm is compounded for decades and becomes a domino effect.
The hurt aka 'blood' seeps over all those we connect to, doing more harm and damage then the original pain inflected on the host person.
Think about this dynamic.
Think about the effects.
Think about how our past pain hurts others.
We all have hurt.
We all have unsolved pain.
When we reconcile that pain, we rebirth and hold ourselves accountable for current harm.
I often see pain darts thrown.
Sometimes to myself, sometimes to someone I care about, other times to a complete stranger.
I look carefully at why or how these darts are thrown.
Often these darts are not intentional, they were intended for someone else, but fear diverts them. The fear forces them to change course.
Once in a while, I take a dart with intent, knowing it was not intended for me.
However, I think carefully, before I subject myself to being in the way of the next dart.
Sometimes we simply need to remove ourselves completely from a situation until proper healing has taken place.
I am an easy target. I am strong, my vulnerabilities aparent, but I bounce back effortlessly.
I know this and I do not judge.
Most people have good intentions,
they do not know how they harm.
However, some people are so wounded they can not withstand any more harm. They can not bare even one more dart of poisonous blood.
Their spirit is already on life support, suffering silently.
How many of us are secretly suffering in pain, not healing, waiting for the moment to transfer pain to someone other than themselves?
This is what I see, what I feel, what I know.
Be mindful of your pain points.
Be mindful of your triggers that sling those painful darts.
Be mindful of how your thoughts make up your actions.
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