From Pain To Love

I believe all pain can be transformed into love.

Love for yourself, love for others. 

Take the energy thrown at you and spin it to be useful. 

It's everywhere. People are constantly shedding their pain, by complaining, judging, and with anger.  

The pain rains down in so many forms.

If you are in harms way, take it temporarily, until you can remove yourself, and own the situation.  

Take the negativity with grace, understanding and a touch of empathy.  

Do not complain to someone else. 
Do not judge the person. 
Do not be angry. 

Most importantly do not be hurt. 

Protect your spirit and move on.  Do not bring any energy to any person's hurt or pain.  

Find your own salvation of wholeness and breathe in love for yourself and send it to them without a second thought. 

You can be supportive.  Do not be their pain slave.  This is not your purpose. 

With love we can care.  With love we can be there. With love we can give back. 

However, be cautious, do not forget, their pain is not yours. Their misunderstandings or misgivings are not part of your journey. 

Listen and release. 

Dicipher the truth. 

Pain shedding has purpose if done properly and correctly without casting more pain on others. 

Watch your words. Listen carefully. 
Hear your thoughts. Listen Cautiously. 

Is there a complaint? 
Is there Judgement?  
Is there Anger? 

Stop it. Change it. Own it! 

Do not give it away.  Learn from it. Grow from it. Allow it to shape who you are and be better from it.  

We are human. 

Spiritual beings in human form. 

We thrive to feel things.  


When we can not find the good, we relish in the bad.  It is how we thrive. 

When love fails us, we change course.  It may begin in our childhood or in our teen years, sometimes we make it all the way to adulthood.  

The energy of negative beliefs or actions or thoughts is the same as our positive counterparts, however it vibrates differently. 

Our love vibrates longer, stronger and transcends time.  Our love is constant

Our pain cuts and it breaks us and those around us down.  It is cancerous. It is shameful. It wants to live within us and will climb mountains to survive.  

The only way to undo this harm is to comfort it and force it to change form, with truth, compassion and understanding.  

Most importantly we need to do this for ourselves. Know your own truth, have compassion and understanding for yourself. 

Once we are healed, we can set the example for those around us. We can be a beakon of hope amongst dispair.  

Those who aren't ready will fall away. 

Those who are strong enough will face their biggest fears, they will stand by you, with courage. 

With Love. 
With Understanding. 
With Care. 

Find your ultimate peace within. 
Are you ready? 
Let's prepare to conquer all the pain.  


  1. Skin

    Its temporary

    Its ment to be sluffed off

    In layers

    We will be hurt

    We will be cut

    Our skin will heal over

    Our scars will slowly fade

    Sometimes we will look into the mirror
    and old scars will scare us
    from a possibility of a future with someone we may love.

    Our skin is temporary for a reason

    To protect us

    To let us know where we have been

    Our heart is there to tell us
    when its time to forget those scars

    and its there to tell us when to allow us to be vulnerable again

    I am in Love

    I have scared the person I Love

    I cant heal them, I can only wait
    and pray
    that the scar I placed there
    will heal and allow her to Love me again.

    I will wait

    eagerly for her to say she loves me again.

    Scars are there for a reason,
    But I pray they dont stop us from getting scarred again.

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