I gave some advice to a colleague this week.  I told her to think about what she wanted and write it down.

What are you true intentions?

Take the paper, soak it with positive goodness and burn it.  

Let it go.  
You are done.

How often have you really known exactly what you wanted with crystal clear clarity?

You are sure.
There is certainty. 
You have confidence 

You know 100% how you feel about what you desire.

This is your intent.  

However, our thoughts and actions often confuse the universe.  Writing helps bring that clarity.  

Here is an example:

I started to write 'No Doubts.' Thinking or saying I have "NO DOUBTS."  The word doubt is more prominent.  Instead I wrote, "You are sure."

I also started to write 'no uncertainty.' I changed it to "there is certainty."  

This makes a huge difference. 

We need to use positive words.  

Do NOT negate the negative ones

Our words, regardless if they are written, spoken or thought are vital. 

Writing is the easier way to catch these inconsistencies. 

When you are out of sync, anxiety sets in.  
Anxiety leads to despair and despair to depression. Depression boils down to hopelessness. 

Let's regroup, back up and bring in hope, we will do so intentionally. 

I have another friend.  He desires to find his one true love.   I often think he may have found it.  He does so well in the beginning of his relationships. 

Soon he shifts gears and starts talking to or dating other women. Sometimes, it's an old flame that resurfaces, other times it's his dating ADD. His actions and his desires are not aligned.  The initial relationship always falls apart.  He truly doesn't want a long term relationship, if he did, he'd stay committed. 

I always warn my friend, he is confusing the universe. Your words and thoughts are not aligned with your actions. I also remind him, if you have found that one person you could see a 'forever' with, there will be zero desires to date anyone else.  

Your person hasn't found you yet.  
It is not time.  

He undstands and he agrees.  

Timing and intent go hand and hand.  

Take some time and think about what you want to enhance your already fulfilled life.  The secret is to never feel any lacking. 

Feeling or thinking you don't have enough of something perpetuates more of the same. 

This is such a fundamental concept. 

We are already LOVE.  We never need more.  
With self-love we instinctively take care of our needs without thinking of them.  This naturally creates outward care for those around us. 

I have another friend.  He is in a state of fear of losing his one true love.  He, however, still has 'HOPE.' I give him credit for coming to terms with his wants and desires and admitting his wrongs in the relationship.  

Now he waits.  He has some unfinished business to accomplish.  He is soul searching for those answers.  

He will settle his mind and come to a place of well being and be his own best friend.  He will love this woman regardless if they end up together, but he still needs self-care. His intent to be with her is not aligned as he feels he is lacking her love.  He is depleted and needs to find his wholeness.  

I'm unsure the outcome, but I will continue to be a conduit as he shares his thoughts and feelings with me. 

We all have everything we need. 
All of our needs are fulfilled in a state of now.  

We are already whole.  

We simply need to remind ourselves that we are whole. 

"You Are Whole" 

Now rethink what you desire.  Write it down. 
Light a candle. Burn it away.  

Your intent is your true desire. 
Speak it, think it, be it. 

NOW Allow and Let Go.  
Release.  -  Real-------Ease

You have already arrived. 
This space is safe.



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