First World Problems
We often times forget how fortunate we are to have been born with privileges many other countries do not receive.
Take Away.
Running water
Ice makers
Indoor plumbing
The ability to keep our food cold
Warm clothes
A wealth of food
As Americans we are spoiled. Spoiled children who forget how fortunate we are.
We may not always get our way.
We may not always feel happy.
We may take things for granted.
We may wish for more.
We may never understand how easy our lives truly are.
Stop and think how it would be to live with less. Or live in a country with few privileges. Consider a life with suffering, a life with suppression, a life that requires daily survival.
It is difficult when we have only known one way.
There are studies that show some of the poorest people in the world have the happiest lives. They have nothing to lose and zero exceptions on what they could gain.
Simplicity is a direct correlation to joy.
We forget. We complain. We digress.
We all need to live with less to truly understand our purpose. To be humbled. To be minimalistic is a true blessing.
We become conditioned to our current life circumstances, the reality of where we came from is destroyed in our natural born desires for more.
Take Away.
Enjoy less.
Be more with very little.
Soon our perceveived wants and desires are shredded. Our core exsisitance becomes easier to maintain and understand. The burdens of society transform with transparency and soon diminish.
That is true life wealth.
The joy of feeling free and living freely.
Happiness is an illusion to the emotionally depressed.
Depression does not equate to sadness. It is our perception of our need for more the brings us to our knees.
Enjoy and respect your privileges.
If they are ever taken away, who will truly survive?
Who will forget where they came from and rebirth with ease?
How will we transition when we no longer have the privilege to enjoy our easy lives.
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