Eat, Pray, Love : Hawaii. Going Home
Going Home is always bittersweet after vacation. Part of you is ready to go home, but part of you wants to stay in Paradise forever. Sometimes, you get taken to someone elses home and get an extra entire day of vacation.
My new friends/travel companions, Gretchen and Jack, the fabulous couple I met on the airplane ride to Hawaii, were also on my return flight, in the same exact exit rows where we started. What are the chances? (See: A Divorce Gift : Serendipity)
When we figured out we were on the same return flight, they graciously offered me a place to stay at their home, considering my last flight home was the following evening.
I have to admit, this was new for me, but we all had such a great week together, I wholeheartedly agreed.
Gretchen had shared some details about her home, during our trip, and I was looking forward to seeing it in person. Once you are invited to stay at someones home, you cross over to a new layer of care.
I had zero expectations, but the minute I stepped into their home, I was right at home. I had come home, to their home. It was the coolest, most surreal experience.
A beautiful home in the suburbs of LA and I felt as if I was staying with family immediately.
I got a tour and heard more details on how their house transformed from nothing to what I was seeing. I embraced and absorbed every bit of it. The spare bedroom was gorgeous and the bed extremely comfortable. I slept really well.
Gretchen took me for a drive down the coast the next day before my flight. We took the convertible and ate at Paradise Cove Beach Cafe in Malibu, right on the beach. It was the perfect ending to an adventurous week in Hawaii together.
Life simply felt easy and free. Home is truly where the heart is. Sometimes, when we open our hearts up with warmth and care we find beautiful people come into our lives at the very moment they are meant to be there.
Jack is a kindhearted, funny and interesting man. He and I were super cool and funny together. He called Gretchen and I girlfriends early on, he just knew she and I had something special going on. I felt fortunate to have met him. He let me have his hat from New Zealand. I love it and will think of him whenever I wear it.
Gretchen and I have so much in common, our carefree spirits, honesty and open minds. We operate without judgments and thoroughly take life on at full speed with open hearts. We are naturally smart and impactful to those around us. We have withstood hardships, but we do not allow them to rule our lives in despair. We instead take those things and allow them to strengthen our resolve and our souls.
Life is short, Live it without fear and find trust in others when needed.
We knew we'd be getting back together again for sure in April, when they visit Florida and hopefully sooner when I make a trip to visit them in LA
It was never good-bye, it was always see you again soon and than I left to go home.
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