An Olive Branch
ol·ive branch
olive branches (plural noun)
- the branch of an olive tree, traditionally regarded as a symbol of peace (in allusion to the story of Noah in Gen. 8:1, in which a dove returns with an olive branch after the Flood).
When you give someone an Olive Branch is states you want to make amends. To be sincere and forthcoming.
I had a person I needed to extend myself to. There was deception, lies and half truths. I needed to make things right.
At first, I was not sure if it was my place, however, my gut told me I was the only person close enough to the situation who could release the truth properly. When the time was right, I would know in my heart what I needed to do and my words would come forth naturally. I was unsure when I would do this, I only knew if the opportunity presented itself, I would do so with fortitude.

Regardless of the circumstances, would I have been as open and understanding if the tables were turned?
I think I would. I think I could.
It takes a lot to be up front and honest with people, as you never know how that honesty will be received. I got very lucky. Ironically, when two women understand the same man, they have an uncanny way of bonding effortlessly and if the two women are decent at the core, they will find a way to understand where the other is coming from.
There isn't hate, there isn't sadness. There is only compassion for the role you both played in each others lives. This for me was a huge revelation, communicating to the person who at one point I hurt.
At one point, she was the enemy. And than one day, just like that, she wasn't, if only in those moments of clarity.
She became an ally, a companion, a partner, both of us understanding the same man, and knowing where he fell short hurting both of us for different reasons. We were bonded with shared hurt by the same person. Ironically, we could validate one another and it felt like a huge relief.
A huge piece of the puzzle and it fit so perfectly. Never underestimate the power of truth, honestly and compassion. These emotions can move mountains even on the most cloudy of days.
A huge piece of the puzzle and it fit so perfectly. Never underestimate the power of truth, honestly and compassion. These emotions can move mountains even on the most cloudy of days.
I had attached to their sadness, that dark place where they kept their hurt was lonely
Truth be told, I was the other woman. And there is no room for a long term bond, but in the moments we gave to one another, it was with care and understanding. I stood by my core beliefs of honesty to build trust. I have not one single regret. I did what I felt was right.
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