A Hitchcock Widows Tale
Hitchcock Widows Tale
We could say this is Fiction, but we all know
that Truth is much more interesting and many great tales began
with a true story told. And as it goes, I will tell this story by sharing
facts and firsthand accounts of what I witnessed. However, first we must
begin at the beginning; this is where all good tales begin.
There once was a basic girl who so desperately wanted to be
loved. She wanted a fairy tale, her
prince charming, to save her and her beautiful long blond locks.
Hitchcock finds what she thought to be her prince charming.
He was an air traffic controller. He proposed, he made promises, he
painted a bright future. She planned her wedding like a typical,
overzealous female, obsessed with each and every detail. She was ready to
be a bride, wife and mother. This was her forever.
Something however went awry and her perfect Air Traffic controller
ended things. Her wedding would be no more. She ultimately was
broken. How devastating that must have
been for her fragile, princess perfect mind.
That type of rejection is
Miss Hitchcock does a tremendous
amount of soul searching. She writes about her hurt. She tries to find her way once again. And one day she finds exactly what she is
looking for. The new love of her life.
Let’s go and Hitch-a-Cock
Let’s go and Hitch-a-Cock
She knew the world’s best source of eligible men are on Tinder. She
not only found the new love of her life, but he was also an Air Traffic
Controller. What are the chances?
Aviation is exciting!!
Miss Hitch-a-Cock did
not have the perfect fairytale story as they broke up a few times, and their
courtship was rocky. He broke up with
her and forced her to move out. She was
sad. She cried, pleaded and cyber
stalked until eventually Miss Hitch-a-Cock was successful. She got her man and this time is was for
Or so she thought.
HitchCock was
finally able to have her fairytale wedding.
It was beautiful on the surface, but below the surface there was
tension, the union complicated. This
piece pulls that wedding together flawlessly. Read it later as there is a spoiler alert. The Wedding Day
They say life takes us by surprise sometimes. She wrote and referred to a poem years prior her actual wedding day.
This story drips with irony as less than three months, after the "I Dos," Miss Hitchcock the newlywed became Miss Hitchcock the Widow, turned self-proclaimed black widow. She chose to wear a black widow T-shirt on Halloween. (see above photo)
This is when things got twisted.
Hitchcock was obviously wounded and grieving, but when does grief allow our actions to take us to new levels in shitsville? There is a high road of peace, love, understanding and empathy, and there is the low road of war, hate, conflict and narcissism.
Hitchcock had a choice, she made decisions and walked the path beneath, the one filled with coldhearted, unforgiving, low energy beings. She chose to walk with the dead, heartless souls.
It began with putting, the mother and grandmother of her new stepchildren beneath her. She did not respect their place or their grief, she only centered on her own. This began the demise of her post married life as a widow.
Let’s introduce Rose
into this story. She is the mother of
the children, (HitchCock’s step children before her husband died) Rose was in a precarious situation. Her children lost their father, her ex-husband
was deceased, she was devastated and wondering how she would move forward raising
her two girls as a single mom, all alone.
She had no intention of never allowing her children to continue a relationship with their brand new step mom, but she did know her relationship with Hitchcock was always a rocky one. Their relationship was one of competition, jealousy and short sightedness.
She had no intention of never allowing her children to continue a relationship with their brand new step mom, but she did know her relationship with Hitchcock was always a rocky one. Their relationship was one of competition, jealousy and short sightedness.
Rose had a good relationship with her children’s father. They worked in the same place, they could communicate and even though their marriage did not work out, they were doing a good job co-parenting. Once Cock entered the picture, things were more difficult. For whatever reason, it was never black and white, and Rose and Hitch never saw eye to eye. HitchCock crossed mom boundaries often. This was mainly due to the fact that she didn’t have children of her own and could not possibly understand a mother’s perspective regarding her biological children.
When a stepmother oversteps boundaries, especially after the father is deceased, you must always communicate with the mother before trying to see the children, a grave mistake Cocky made on multiple occasions. They are not your children and you have no entitlements to them. Their mother is there to protect them from harm. Sneaking notes to the children, being sneaky about seeing them at parks and at daycare or contacting the school about going on field trips is never acceptable behavior.
A mistake most young wives make when dealing with their new husband's children from a prior marriage.
Rose made an honest attempt
to maintain contact for Hitchcock and her girls, but unfortunately things
soured quickly.
There were texts like this:
Rose also knew HitchCock
was bad mouthing her in public while her friends were present. HITCHOCK was unkind and verbally degrading, but the worst part, were Hitchock's actions towards her children’s grandmother, her deceased ex-husband's Mother. This was the most difficult piece of the puzzle for Rose.
Did HitchCock not think Rose communicated with her ex-husband's mother for the children's sake; especially after such a traumatic tragedy?
This shortsightedness was the beginning of the widow’s demise. You can only play “The Widow Card” for so long; eventually people move on and see a person’s true colors.
Below is a Facebook comment threatening someone who spoke out about Hitchcock's behavior one day outside our local convenience store. Cock always has lovely choice words and a threat to post publicly.
Sometimes with her own screen name, but also under a fake profiles.
There are so many we had lost count.
And the story
Let’s formally introduce
Bettie. She lost her son. She is a GOOD person with a fiery spirit.
Maybe that’s why HitchCock set this fake profile up only a few months
ago. This screams disrespect!!! Bettie’s late son is probably rolling over in
his grave, that’s his mother for crying out loud!!
Maybe Hitch felt she was wronged by this woman??? All Bettie wanted was her son’s belongs, only some, not all and more than a teaspoon of ashes. Why withhold his things? Bettie wanted to buy her son’s stuff; instead Hitchcock sold them to strangers. She went out of her way that no one bought them who was connected to Rose or Bettie.
If you don’t believe my words see for yourself:

Why take the time to make such a shameful
Maybe Hitch felt she was wronged by this woman??? All Bettie wanted was her son’s belongs, only some, not all and more than a teaspoon of ashes. Why withhold his things? Bettie wanted to buy her son’s stuff; instead Hitchcock sold them to strangers. She went out of her way that no one bought them who was connected to Rose or Bettie.
If you don’t believe my words see for yourself:

Nothing Bettie said or did would change Hitchcock's ways. Two years later and this poor grieving mother is still left with nothing.
Why was Cocky, I mean HitchCock, so hard headed towards her dead husband’s mother?
Why hate in the first place?
That is the mystery of this Widow’s Tale.
Hitchcock claims the family harassed her. She worked to pull everyone off her dead husband's memorial page, threatening social suicide to anyone who didn’t follow her lead.
But why?
Bettie and her Michigan family were leaking true statements. They were outing Hitchcock and what she was doing.
Hitchcock sent individual texts to many people to pull from the Facebook Memorial page. A few of us stayed, because Hitchcock did not dictate, nor control us. We were not sheep. We thought for ourselves and we sensed something was very wrong.
As time went on the truth began to surface.
Check out these messages from 2010. It seems this Hitchcock wreaks havoc in her prior life as well. I wonder what happened here? Imagine what you can find floating around the internet. Our friends and family were not the only one's affected by this Cocky person.
Harassment however comes in all shapes and sizes. As much as Hitchcock cried Harassment from the other side, she continued to harass everyone and anyone associated with or supporting Rose and Bettie. It's been two years since her husband has past and she has not once let up.
And why would she think she has any access to the children when all she has done was be cruel and hateful to her dead husband's family and to this day has not sent any of his personal belongs to Michigan, and not more than a teaspoon of ashes.
Enough is Enough.
This is why I have been out spoken. I have been in close contact with the mother for years and consider her a trusted confidant and friend. Bettie did not and does not deserve to be treated poorly, or degraded.
She lost her son.
She lost her son.
Most recently, on the two year anniversary of her husband's dead, Hitchcock posted a TikTok video with photos of the children without consent and she told her story of the poor widow who is not 'allowed' to see her stepchildren. I wonder why when she posts things like this in the middle of the video.
EQ is Emotional IQ
She has never respected the mother of the children and clearly did not know her place before, during or after the loss of their father.
By the end of the TikTok video, Hitchcock claims she is ready to find love once again.
This was my cue.
It was time to tell the entire story.
Enough was Enough
(for me anyway)
(for me anyway)
Not because I am personally invested in the outcome, but because it was the right thing to do.
Harassment is not only about social media and setting up dozens of fake profiles to harass those who have blocked you.
It is also about phony phone numbers to people who have blocked you, so you can send threatening and obscene texts.
What about taking your time to mail sparkly gummy dicks to people or mail T-shirts with unkind sayings or mail nasty grams. What about making memes and posting those online?
There is a long laundry list of things Hitchcock did to many people associated with her dead husband's family and his children.
For someone who wants to be in his children's lives, the children she loves so 'dearly,' she is certainly not thinking about the consequences of her actions. Why would she be allowed to see the children after she had acted so poorly towards everyone they are close to and then to blame the mother is outrageous.
This makes zero sense.
To the grandmother, Bettie, on social media:
(Carrie Mathison is one Fake FB Profile name)
(Carrie Mathison is one Fake FB Profile name)
To a Family Friend in MI when he was going through a divorce. This was a lovely care package Cocky sent, that took time and thought:
This was a recent text taunting Bettie:
Let's not forget when Bettie received this shirt in the mail. Each and every touch from the person who took every last part of her dead son, was like a stab in the heart. This was reminder that she no longer had her son on this earth and she would never see him again. This person, Hitchcock, went out of her way to continually stab Bettie's wounds over and over again.
It was as if her son let pure evil into his life.
This is just the beginning, let me go on, without
even speaking of my own run ins with Hitchock, I will share all the things she did
to people I care about and end with the laundry list of horrific things she did to me.
To Rose (the mom of the
- No family photos of Rose on the memorial page, or in the slide show during the funeral service. I heard her make this request and she blurted out, "I am a cunt, I know it."
- Her comments were deleted on the funeral page.
- The Tik Tok video bashed her role as a mother.
- Harassing/threatening texts regarding the arrangements with the home
- Excessive texts regarding money
- Constantly needs to intercept notes sent to the kids when she is trying to protect them
- Constantly having to intercept gifts left on the porch for holidays and birthdays and having difficult conversations once the gifts were given to the children.
- Rose was put in many compromising positions when Hitchcock would try to see the children at daycare without letting Rose know
- Rose had to manage conflict and intercept notes given to her children at school. Hitchcock gave them to other children who attended same school. This made things awkward and complicated for the children.
- Hitchcock contacted the school to try and go on field trips, never once talking it over with Rose.
To Bettie (the
grandmother of the children)
- Not allowed to view her son before cremation
- Was restricted from contacting the funeral home
- Funeral was delayed a week forcing out of town family to cancel flights
- No ashes (unless you count a teaspoon)
- No belongings, Cocky sold them all to strangers
- Was persecuted over life insurance being left to her through all his wives
- Harassing/threatening Texts
- Harassing/threatening emails
- Harassing/threatening Facebook page (see above photo)
- Hitchcock had Bettie's post removed from Facebook because Bettie used an engagement photo of her son and cropped Hitchcock out. Who has the time to be this petty?
- Hitchcock has made unreasonable demands on a grieving mother with no regards for her feelings.
- Hitchock sent harassing items in the mail out of spite
To Judith (the aunt of
the children)
Judith is a
doctor. Hitchock posted a nasty review on one of Judith's
professional pages. See below:
- She has sent belittling texts
- Has been outspoken on her hatred for me. (even after I treated her well and bent over backwards planning her wedding events - what was I thinking??)
- She has posted nasty Facebook messages
- She has made memes
- She has sent harassing/threatening texts from her number/fake numbers.
- She has threaten me and my friends who support me
- She had one of my blog posts pulled twice for using her photos. It was the one regarding her wedding day, I have since deleted the photos and changed the blog content to tell the truth regarding that day. (The Wedding Day)
- She has harassed men on my FB page warning them I had an STD with emails and texts. She then sent me a harassing text afterwards
- She has sent a police report to my ex-husband regarding myself and my ex-boyfriend and posted this on social media. On my personal page and on my Singles Club of Volusia County page.
- She contacted the ex-boyfriends, ex-wife about the police report and referred to her 'stepchildren" as ''her" children. (Talk about over reaching)
- I believe she made anonymous comments on a recent blog and called DCF on my family (I can't prove this, but my intuition tells me it's her and it sounds like the harassment she would pull)
- She was all weird when I attended a birthday party with people she knows. Like, um, my old neighbor. (Not everything is about you, Cocky!)
- Random threatening text, from a new number, accusing me of touching her car in the pool parking lot. I don't even know what kind of car she drives, I suppose she has a few other enemies after her precious things.
Because she deeply cares for these men's well-being??
One dude was my neighbor - no one believed her, nor cared.
They said it looked crazy!
This random, nasty text was sent to me and also to another friend, since I blew it off. She wanted to be 100% certain I knew how she felt. This was because my youngest son was tagged on a Facebook photo. We were at a local park for a Birthday party. This child has lived next door to my son for many years, way before Cocky ever came into the picture. Maybe Cocky doesn't know 'her' place.
This random text was actually very recent, only a mere two month ago. Soon after she blab to me about getting into my personal business regarding my ex-bf. I hope those two get together. Evil met Evil.
She made the below meme of me. "Why?" You may ask? That's what people with mental issues do I suppose. I posted it on my Facebook page simply to prove a point.
Nothing will embarrass, nor harm me. My self-integrity and self-esteem are sharply intact. People who are close to me, know me and that is all that truly matters.
The below text was to a friend of mine who works at the Spa and Cocky was there that day with friend's acting her usually weird self. The hostility is almost unbearable.
Again another threat to someone who was friends with them.
Let's not forget Jill and Derek and other countless individuals who were targeted. Hitchcock went out of her way to trash and made an attempt to deface all our characters. Could all these people truly be out to get Hitchcock, or was her paranoid guilt around the circumstances of her husband's dead eating at her day by day?
All of these people are NOT crazy.
All of these people were not set out to make her life a living hell. However, Hitchcock made it clear she was out to get each and every one of them with her threats and her actions. Actions that individually may not seem outrageous, but pulled together in one unified piece, it paints an entirely different story.
One last tidbit: The below message was sent to Hitchcock at some point during the last two years. It is friend's text to Hitchcock after something happened. I don't even recall what prompted this reply.
Apparently, she has a way of pissing everyone off.
I'm personally under Cocky's skin, probably forever.
Since I can't change the past, I'm going to continue to speak my truth as the messenger.
You really do not need to believe me, simply do you own research.
You really do not need to believe me, simply do you own research.
Now who is Harassing who here?
Other related Blog Pieces that I wrote on this subject.
Losing A Child (December 2018)
Chlamydia Alert (January 2019)
The I dos (The new version) (original post March 2018)
Sources: http://lindsayhitchcock.weebly.com/blog
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